Trilliax Mythic Down!
Trilliax Mythic Down! Trilliax got severed some cake 😊 !!! A massive well done to all. Kudos to Hormigón for soloing the boss for more than a minute on one of the last tries! Go Power Bear!!! If you want to
Chronomatic Anomaly Mythic Down!
Chronomatic Anomany Mythic! Time proved us again victorious!!! Congratulations all, a superb kill, great teamwork and coordination! PS. Also 7% on Trilliax! (Leleko didn’t want me to write that as it doesn’t count… well… counts for me!) Oh, and thanks to
Skorpyron Mythic Down!
Skorpyron Mythic Down! After a few good tries Skorpyron felt our sting! Well done to all! Onwards and forwards now, next week Chronomatic Anomaly and Trilliax are on the Wanted List! If you want to join us and kill bosses with
Gul’Dan Heroic Down!
Gul'Dan Heroic down! Congratulations to everyone in the team for Ahead of the Curve: Gul'dan! A well earned kill! Now put your mean faces on, get your weapons ready and get ready to roll as we dive into mythic mode!!! If you