About Us


“Essential Reading – About Us”

Gordian Knot is a well-established Semi-Hardcore Raiding guild based on the Draenor European Realm. A group of seasoned Raiders founded the guild to create a place where people can enjoy the challenges of Mythic Progression together with friends.
Because there are so many things to say, we’ve decided to make this guide containing all the info you need to become a member of our family! Everything you need to know about us is in this page. If you feel like there’s anything we’ve left out, let us know!


Who’s That Guild?

about-us-male-tauren-paladinWe formed our guild on February 15, 2017, with Mythic Raid Progression as our primary goal. Although we do not aim to become the next Method, we do take raiding seriously and aim in every Raid Tier to push the boundaries and achieve a good server rank.

As a guild, we highly value friendship, loyalty, dedication, and a good sense of humor alongside raiding. This combination has cultivated a well-balanced community of skilled, dedicated raiders and a large, loyal, and active social base.

Gordian Knot is home to players from all over the world, primarily from Europe. We appreciate the unique flavor each country brings to the table and how World of Warcraft unites us. However, World of Warcraft isn’t the sole game where our guild is active; we also enjoy playing a variety of other games together. You can find more details regarding some of these games here: World of Tanks, World of Warships, Diablo 4.

As you can see from this web site we also have the requisite web site functionality to support organized raiding including a raid planner and a discord server.

Things We Like

about-us-female-orcAs a group of people who have been around for a long time we have grown used to our ways. Our way of talking, playing and socializing with each other. To get an idea of what we like we’ve tried to put on paper what we think is good for the guild, its members and the people we meet while venturing out into the world. One thing we don’t want is to force people into displaying any sort of behavior that they don’t feel happy with. We do think that most of these things are common knowledge and attribute to a positive atmosphere in the game.

Helpful Attitude

We like a lot of stuff, but one of the most important thing is that we like people who show a helpful attitude towards friends, guild mates and other players. After all, teamwork is what the game rewards, since it’s an MMO. Being nice can make or break a group, raid or quest. And who knows, you might just make a couple of new friends!
Contributing positively to other players typically benefits you and receives great appreciation from the guild leadership.


Our players, along with the game, have grown and leveled up, both in-game as well as in the real world. Most of us have boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands or wives. Many also have children. We expect players in the guild to behave in a mature way and not throw tantrums when someone out rolled you on an item and go huff quitting. This behavior is not tolerated for long. So acting mature means a lot to us. We don’t like dealing with obstinate teenagers or rage quitters.

Having Fun

Duh, it’s a game, it’s supposed to be fun. True! So we try to make our online time as pleasant as possible. This means that we mostly mess around and make jokes to have some fun. It might look harsh or insulting to the untrained eye, but it’s all meant in jest. Of course, if you do feel offended or feel like something’s going on try and talk to people to find out their intentions. If that doesn’t work, contact an officer.

Having fun is what we play for!

Contributing to the Guild

about-us-female-orc-hunterOnce you’re a member there are many ways to contribute to the guild. How you choose to contribute is completely up to you. Things that come to mind are:

  • Doing Guild runs for dungeons, raids, pvp, etc. Every run puts some coin in the Guild Bank.
  • Boosting other players in instances, pvp, professions, etc.
  • Using your profession perks to help out guild mates and add useful items to the Guild Bank.
  • Organizing events. Think of Normal runs, Achievement runs or Old School raids, etc.
  • Finding more Raiders! We are always looking to grow our family, so if you meet someone you think is raider material redirect them to an officer or the website.
  • Sharing knowledge. Help out players with what you know. It makes everyone better players.
  • Reading up on your class and knowing everything there is to know about it.
  • Pro-active attitude. Got an idea? Follow it through and go for it. You’ll usually be backed up by other guildies.
  • Reading the forum and contributing to discussions and other conversations.
  • Passing loot for others.

Good Use of the English Language

The guild has a lot of players from all over the world, not just Europe. This means we have a lot of different nationalities and many players whose native language isn’t English. No problem! We don’t expect everyone to be fluent in English. However, we expect that people put in effort to write and talk properly formed sentences. We won’t trip over a spelling mistake, but we don’t like having to read a sentence three times to know what you’re saying.


Besides a long list of things we like there are also a couple things we don’t like. It’s a good idea to take notice of this as doing these things might frustrate other players. We try to create a pleasant atmosphere while playing and avoid interference factors when we can. If you feel like this is wild then maybe this is not the right guild for you.


Leet Speak

As a mature guild we expect players to use proper English sentences and language. While we all know what ‘u’ and ‘m8’ means, we like people who aren’t too lazy to type full words and sentences. It makes what you’re trying to say easier to understand and convey an idea of maturity and intelligence. While we realize not everyone is fluent in English we do expect people to make an effort in making themselves understood. Too much of “hai dewd HRU 2day” really works on our nerves and can result in a guild kick. None of us are fluent in leet speak.

Someone Else Playing Your Account

When we see you come online we assume that it’s actually you that’s playing your character. We do not appreciate other people using your account. It can create skewed situations, mistrust and problems in certain situations. Especially when raiding we expect you to play the account. If we find out it’s not, you will be removed from the raid and receive an official warning. This stuff happens once, no more. The rules are clear, if you don’t want to follow them then maybe this is not the right guild for you.

Selling Stuff from the Guild Bank

The guild bank is so kind to sell items to members at a reduced price (based on the current AH price). You should utilize this to upgrade or enhance your own gear, professions, or utility. We don’t allow reselling items bought from the guild bank on the Auction House and we’re monitoring this in a regular base. This rule aims to support players while they level professions or gear up for raids. If we find out you’re selling items you bought from the guild you will get one warning. Any consecutive findings will result in a guild kick. Abuse will be punished.

Inappropriate Comments or Language

about-us-female-bloodelf-priestWe expect mature behavior in every aspect of the game, be it guild raids, LFR or PVP. You do not insult others, flame them or make hateful remarks. We don’t tolerate this in the guild or anywhere else. Behave yourself. Treat people with the respect they deserve.
When someone asks you to stop using certain language you’re expected to do so. We can’t have a negative atmosphere in the guild because two players don’t get along. Either sort out the problems, learn to live with it or look for another guild.

Spamming and Scamming

No one likes spam, so please don’t do it. If you engage in spamming—whether through macros, trade channels, or other means—people may put you on ignore lists, and it will reflect poorly on the guild. Obviously, the same principle applies to scamming. If we discover that you’re intentionally scamming others, we won’t hesitate to take action and remove you from the guild. There is a zero tolerance policy on this behavior to ensure a fair and respectful enviroment.

Intentionally Picking Fights

If you’re a hothead and enjoy a good argument and verbal fight, this is not the right guild for you. We don’t actively seek out conflicts just for the sake of it. Instead, we try to avoid them whenever possible and to resolve issues in a mature manner if they arise. Seeking out fights is a sign of immaturity and we do not appreciate it.about-us-female-troll

Racist Comments and Behavior

This shouldn’t require any explaining. If you are racist, or engage in racist behavior, or display racist attitudes, we will show you the exit fairly quickly. This expectation aligns with the respect we anticipate from all our members towards one another. If your remarks extend beyond the realm of humor you will be swiftly dealt with.

Loot Fever

Understanding that the game revolves around rewards we expect a sober attitude towards loot and everything related to it. Especially in raids we expect players to use their heads when rolling or bidding on items. Take into account who else might need the item and even think about passing it so someone else can have it. In short, passing loot for others is highly appreciated!


The Guild Bank currently has 8 tabs and the primary purpose of it is to store gold, raw materials and items that will support the Raid team in progression.

All contributions to the guild bank are highly appreciated and taken into consideration. Whether you can help with your professions by providing gems or enchants for example or contributing gold for the Guild to be able to provide for repairs and buy any materials necessary, donations to the guild bank are vital.

We regularly post updates regarding the current bank needs on the Guild message of the Day and Discord. However, if you’re uncertain, feel free to ask the officer in charge about the bank’s current needs or any other bank-related inquiries. (click here to see the officers’ roles)

Below you will find the names of the tabs, their purpose and what access each rank has to those tabs.



Access to: everyone but the Trial rank
Here you will find usually, lower quality enchants and gems, levelling food, pets and other items that are non essential to raiding, the contents of it are depending on the current donations and the timing, if for example it is the start of the expansion you will find more levelling related goods.
Pick stuff you mean to use, not to sell. Pick as much as you want, but be as generous. Pay back with other stuff or make a donation in gold.
If the officers find items wanted for raids, we will transfer them to the appropriate tab. If there are items that are not picked for a while that can make us gold, we sell it.


Access to: Veterans, Captains, Raiders & Officers
Here is where we keep the consumables for the raiders. Always keep in mind that you won’t be the only one picking items from here. Eventually, other people will need some items as well.

Food n Buffs

Access to: Veterans, Captains, Raiders & Officers
The storage area for food. Officers and Advisors can pick items here and give to the raiders in raids and it is also used to resupply the raiders tab.

Pots n Flasks

Access to: Officers
The storage area for pots and flasks. Officers and Advisors can pick items here and give to the raiders in raids and it is also used to resupply the raiders tab.about-us-female-demon-hunter


Access to: Officers
The storage area for the herbs, there are two columns dedicated for each herb. If you ever doubt which herbs we currently need, you can always quickly check which columns are running low.

Food Stock

Access to: Officers
The storage area for meat and fish, there is one column dedicated for each herb, so if you are ever in doubt of what herbs we currently need you can always have a quick look which columns are getting low.

Enchants n Gems

Access to: Officers
The storage area is designated for gems, both uncut and cut ones, enchants, enchanting materials, cloth and ores. If you have substantial quantities to contribute, please reach out to an officer.

Raid stock

Access to: Officers
The storage area for utility items for raids, Vantus runes, Feasts, Repair Hammers, Drums, Failure Detection Pylons, Tomes etc.

about-us-male-goblin-rogueThe guild vault also tries to accumulate some gold, providing us with paid repairs on progression raids. This is automatically available to people with Raider or higher rank and only during raids, but do keep in mind it’s just for the progression raids, it’s not meant for your other repairs after wiping in 5-man runs, pug’s etc.

Contribute with what you can to help us out.

Some things are always needed:

  • Food with the highest stats, cooked or raw
  • Flasks for raiding
  • Pots
  • Enchanting items
  • Raw ingredients for the above items
  • Profession items like vantus runes, tomes, etc.
  • Herbs to make the commonly used elixirs and pots. Check the Herbs tab to see what is currently needed.

The Bank will also help you with enchants of your gear. Half AH price if we have the mats in vault.
We can’t supply mats to level your profession unless the resulting item is needed in the vault.

Buying from the Guild Bank

The guild bank can also sell some stuff. Items in the Members’ section are free to take, but do consider putting something else in or donating some gold in return. Other stuff like enchanting mats, gear, etc., are generally sold for less than the normal price on the auction house.
Important: these items are for personal use only, not for selling!


Essentially, this depends on the manner of you leave. If we kick you from the guild, we promptly adjust your EP to zero (if we use EP or a similar point system). Consequently, even if you rejoin for any reason, you won’t recover your points.

Also, anyone leaving the guild and coming back, starts off with a rank of Trial. Rank doesn’t hold much weight in Gordian Knot, but if you have a short temper, you should avoid demotion to Trial. We won’t tolerate any more nonsense. All in the nicest possible way but enough is enough.


There are, however, many other ways in which you might leave the guild.If any of your characters that become inactive for a period of 90 days, they are likely to be removed from the guild. Alts frequently fall foul to this. It’s not intended as any sort of punishment, it’s purely to keep the roster within reasonable limits – E.g. under the 400 character mark or so. If you pick up that alt again ask for a reinvite. Even mains are subject to the same cleanup, so if you know you’ll be away for a while, let us know about it.

The same is true if you leave due to inactivity, extended away-period or whatever. As a general rule, if you weren’t kicked from the guild, then you’re welcome back into the guild.

Coming back

People sometimes leave for another guild and find it’s not for them. Eventually, they come back. While this hasn’t happened frequently, in general, if we like you, you’ll be invited back. However, if we perceive a lack of loyalty and commitment, you probably won’t be. It’s a case-by-case basis again.

about-us-male-taurenObviously, as with any guild, we occasionally encounter the phenomenon known as the “huff quit”. For example, someone might dramatically declare, “I hate you all, I’m leaving the guild!” followed by a /gquit command. Later, after some reflection, they might say, “I was a bit hasty; can I come back?” We understand this, and generally, the invitation will be forthcoming.

However, please be aware that if you return, it will be as a Trial member. We believe there should be some penalty for leaving the guild. Players who lack self-control during arguments and repeatedly quit may not be the type of members we seek in the long run. While we don’t guarantee an invite back, it’s quite likely if it was just a standard “hissy fit”. 🙂

We strongly discourage tactics such as saying, “Wah, he did this and got away with it.” We assess such situations on a case-by-case basis. The key point is to take a deep breath and consider your actions carefully. What you have in the Gordian Knot is far more valuable than trying to prove a point by quitting the guild. We’re reasonable people—let’s discuss it!

Discord and Teamspeak

We have a Discord server running which we can use to voice and text chat with each other. In addition, we have a Teamspeak 3 server up and running, but only as backup at the moment. Players primarily use discord during raids or other events, but they are both available for use at any time.

Current Roles

As of 16-11-2024 the officer team consists of the following members: