Sikran Mythic Down!
Sikran Mythic Down by the best WoW Guild First try? Oh, absolutely first try! Ahoy, Gordian Knot! We’ve added Sikran to our list of Mythic conquests, marking our 3rd Mythic kill this tier! We're truly on a roll this season. This encounter
The Bloodbound Horror Mythic Down!
The Bloodbound Horror Mythic Down! I told you Seban will fix everything! The Bloodbound Horror tried several times to send us into the Shadow Realm, but with some overtime and effort, we pulled a reverse Uno card, sending him to oblivion
Ulgrax Mythic Down!
Ulgrax Mythic Down! Ulgrax the Devourer Mythic Kill Guide Welcome to our first Mythic kill in The War Within! Ulgrax the Devourer is down and let me tell you—what a crybaby! Every time he didn’t get his treats, it was like
Queen Ansurek Heroic & AOTC!
The best WoW Guild vs Queen Ansurek Heroic & AOTC! Justice has been served on Queen Ansurek for her crimes against her Queen Mother and her people! While she bared her fangs in the first phase, we turned the tide
Nexus-Princess Ky’veza Heroic Down!
Nexus-Princess Ky’veza Heroic Down! Gordian Knot strikes again against the Dark Nexus Cartels! Seems like Xy’mox forgot to send the memo that we’re not to be messed with. This one’s a treat for those who paid attention to physics in school! While
Tuesday 04/07/2017 04:00 AM
Tuesday 04/07/2017 04:00 AM 6 Hours of Raiding and Raid Leading 30 wipes Guild Bank feasts and runes depleted 2 New HC Bosses Down After an epic marathon, everyone has hit the hay and I’m just sitting here in bed