“Essential Reading – Rules”
Gordian Knot’s main priority is to achieve the maximum possible progress on Mythic Raiding, within a friendly, competitive, and healthy atmosphere. Along that, we want to enjoy all aspects of the game and we expect to share the same love and excitement for the game with every member of the guild. In order to achieve all this, everyone should be able to follow and respect our rules and ways.
So please, read carefully as lack of knowledge for our rules is not an excuse. We also update the rules regularly, so please follow the changes when they happen.
Last updates:
7th of December 2024 (check/click the NEW !)
7th of December 2024 (check/click the NEW !)
7th of December 2024 (check/click the NEW !)
Inappropriate Comments or Language
We expect mature and responsible behavior in every aspect of the game, be it guild raids, LFR, PVP or Trade Chat. Don’t insult, flame, or make hateful remarks towards others. We won’t tolerate this behavior. Treat people with the respect they deserve. If someone asks you to stop using certain language, you should stop. We can’t have a negative atmosphere in the guild because two players don’t get along. Either sort out the problems, learn to live with it or look for another guild.
Spamming and Scamming
No one likes spam. Don’t do it. People will put you on ignore lists and it will reflect badly on the guild! This counts for macro’s, spamming trade channel and other spam. Obviously, the same counts for scamming. If we discover you’re intentionally scamming people, we will kick you out of the guild immediately without any exceptions. There is a zero tolerance policy regarding this behavior.
Intentionally Picking Fights
If you’re a hothead and like to argue and have verbal fights then this is not the right guild for you. We don’t go looking for fights. We avoid them and we always seek to resolve issues in a mature way. Looking for fights is a sign of immaturity and we do not appreciate it.
Racist/Sexist Comments and Behavior
This shouldn’t need any explaining. If you are being racist, or sexist or display racist/sexist behavior we will show you the exit fairly quickly. This ties in to the respect we expect from all our members towards others. We will deal with you swiftly if your remarks cross the line of humor.
Discussions content
We are very open to all kinds of discussions but we do try to avoid discussions with political or religious contents and that is because they might bring tension and conflicts without a reason. Please try to avoid such topics.
Loot Fever
Understanding that the game revolves around rewards we expect a sober attitude towards loot and everything related to it. Especially in raids we expect players to use their heads when rolling or bidding on items. Take into account who else might need the item and even think about passing it so someone else can have it. We highly appreciate it when you pass on loot for others!
Complaining about the loot distribution to an officer, guild leader or the person who is distributing the loot, is a one way out of the guild.
As a guild that operates in an English server we expect players to use proper English sentences and language. While we all know what ‘u’ and ‘m8’ means, we appreciate people who aren’t too lazy to type full words and sentences. It makes what you’re trying to say easier to understand and conveys an idea of maturity and intelligence. While we realize not everyone is fluent in English we do expect people to make an effort in making themselves understood. Too much of “hai dewd HRU 2day” can quickly work on peoples nerves and can as quickly result in a warning from an officer to begin with. Most of us are far from being fluent in leet speak. Also there is zero tolerence in using languages other than English in guild chat, guild raids, guild dungeons and guild forums.
Our guild accepts all kind of people, of any origin, playstyle, ethnicity, etc. We always welcome everyone to join us and have fun with us and be part of our team. For us the term “guild” means “team” and “family”. In that spirit, we cannot accept cliques of any kind inside the guild, or any kind of groups that isolate themselves from the rest, or groups that try to avoid people or any similar behavior. Being part of such a group, or trying to formulate one, will get you out of the guild straight away, no matter who you are (officer, or friend, or beloved, or relative, etc.).
Alt Characters (Alts)
Due to the fact that the guild is ever-expanding and although we are a very alt friendly as guild we have to introduce a cap on Alts. We will cap the number of alts per player at three going forward, meaning each player can have a total of four characters in the guild. Their main character plus three alts. We will not apply this rule to existing characters. Anyone with more than three alt characters in the guild right now can keep them in.
The Guild Vault
Selling Stuff from the Guild Bank
The guild bank most of the times is willing to sell items to members at a reduced price (based on the current AH price). Utilize this for upgrading or enhancing your gear, professions, utility, etc. Don’t resell items bought from the guild bank on the Auction House. This rule is meant to help out people and give them some slack when leveling professions or gearing up for a raid. If we find out you’re selling items you bought from the guild you will get one warning. Any consecutive findings will result in a guild kick no questions asked.
Ranks and Responsibilities
The power to promote and demote resides mainly with the Guild Leader and the General.
Rank Reset
Before the launch of each new expansion and more specifically during the pre-patch period all ranks will get reset and everyone will be moved to Member Rank. To maintain relevant and efficient ranks within the guild’s structure, we may restructure, rename, remove, or add new ranks. Regarding raider ranks, we will promote those expressing interest in raiding before the new season to Trial Raider. Further promotions to Raider Rank and beyond will depend on merit, performance, attendance, and contribution. (For more details regarding the requirements please read here)
Also with every new patch the Veteran Raider rank will reset and everyone who had the rank will be moved back to Raider Rank. (For more details regarding the requirements and perks of the rank please read here)
Guild Leader
Leader of the guild. Has responsibility for everything that happens in our guild and has the privilege and responsibility to have the final word on every important decision and matter.
Second in command. Head of the officers’ team. Also has responsibility for everything that happens in our guild and has the privilege and responsibility to have the final word on every matter, in case of absence of the Guild Leader. In addition has the task of keeping the guild vault organized and tend to the needs of the guild bank.
Their responsibilities are to:
a) Maintain the guild standards and keep the guild in shape.
b) Be there at all times to help people with queries and questions, whether that is people in raider or social ranks.
c) Overall tend to the smooth run of the guild as a whole while tending to each individual’s needs as needs will arise.
d) Recruit, bump recruitment forums regularly based on a specific schedule and provide positive results on recruitment.
e) Analyzing logs and performance of the raiders and communicate with the raider on the areas that they need to improve, or need help with.
f) Be in a position to act as advisors to raiders, to spot problems and be willing to spend time and effort to work with the raiders in order for such issues to be resolved. e.g. raiders failing specific fight mechanics, low survival rate etc.
g) Work along with the Raid Leader and provide input on Raid Tactics and how they can be adapted based on the composition and roles available within the guild group.
Besides other individual attributes the mandatory attendance for any officer for raids is 80%.
More information coming soon!
Rank will be awarded to trialists who wish to raid and have passed successfully the 30 day trial period in our raids. They will have priority on loot over social members and trials.
In addition they have free guild repairs during raids and free consumables for raids.
Their responsibilities are:
a) To sign on our raid planners for raids at least one week before the relevant raid day.
b) Perform and be serious while raiding, especially on progress runs.
c) Be up to date and knowledgeable regarding the bosses we are facing and all mechanics that might apply to their spec and role within the raid.
d) Be able to improve their performance and reliability as players without needing external criticism or guidance.
e) Maintain contact with their Officers when they are facing issues that are related to attendance or related to performance. For example: upcoming holidays, exams, very busy period at work etc. when it comes to attendance. When it comes to performance, you are struggling with your rotation, a new patch has just come out and your class has been heavily nerfed, changed etc. Raiders will have to follow all instructions given by their Officers, their Raid Leader and by their Guild Leader.
f) Generally be able to perform and have certain qualities such as dedication, teamwork, selflessness, patience.
The perks of the rank are:
a) Priority in raid spots when it comes to progression fights, over Veteran, Member and Trial rank.
b) Priority on loot over Veteran, Member and Trial ranks.
c) Increased bank withdrawals than Member rank and access to the Raiders’ Tab.
Talk to us regarding performance and tactics, we can help!
The required attendance for this rank is 80%.
This rank is reserved for long standing members that have contributed greatly to the guild in one way or another.
Whether that is generous donations to the guild bank in terms of materials or money to support the raiding team, helping with recruitment or any other contribution that benefits the overall guild status.
The perks of the rank are:
a) Access to the raiders tab.
b) Daily repairs.
c) On each new raid tier and once HC mode is on farm they can choose one character of their liking which will participate a HC mode secondary run, skipping any requirements, as a recognition for their contributions.
After the initial trial, people that wish to attend the Social Rank will be welcomed as Socials and be granted the relevant rank and privileges.
Trial Raider
Every new member aiming for a raider rank will start on this rank and stay on it for about 30 days.
Over this period the trial should be 100% punctual with all the guild rules. Failing to do so will result in termination of the trial period and a kick from the guild or a demote to the member rank.
Performance and attendance will be monitored and you will have to perform and adhere to all the raider rules stated above in the Raiders Rank, in order to become a raider. If the trialist shows serious dedication and good performance, then they can be promoted earlier than the 30 days period. We may also decide to extend the trial period in cases we feel we need to see more, like when a raider did not participate enough raids during the normal trial period, or when his/her gear is not high enough to be able to keep up with our current progress and other similar circumstances.
Every new member aiming for a social rank will start on this rank and stay on it for about 30 days.
Over this period the trial should be 100% punctual with all the guild rules. Failing to do so will result in termination of the trial period and a kick from the guild.
Alt characters of Raiders and Social Members.
Raiding Rules
NEW ! – General raiding rules
- Sign up on our raid planner at least 7 days in advance to ensure quick and efficient raid selection. We expect you to sign up for all upcoming raids (two months ahead), as you are able to changed your status at any time if you cannot attend a raid. Failure to do so repeatedly will result in demoting you back to trial rank. We will also prioritize raiders who sign up early. (Note: We are using a web-based raid planner.)
- Be online and ready to accept a raid invite when the raid starts, even if you haven’t been selected. This also applies to those selected as backups for a specific night.
- We will replace you if you’re late.
- Being late repeatedly will result in demoting you back to trial rank or removal from the guild.
- Be 100% active. Don’t AFK, Ninja AFK, or ignore instructions during our runs. Pay full attention and avoid playing other games or watching movies at the same time during any of our runs. We understand distractions can happen, but repeatedly going AFK or ignoring instructions will lead to demotion back to trial or member rank. We do have a 10 minutes break in the middle of our run every time, so if you wanna have some AFK time, you can have it during the break.
- If you leave the guild midtier you will be excluded from any consideration in the future and get blacklisted for Gordian Knot.
- Have Discord installed and being able to talk and to listen to your raid leader
We use Discord from https://discord.com/. If you can’t use Discord properly (talk and listen), then you won’t be able to participate to our raids. The application we use for our raiding communication may change with a different one like Teamspeak or Curse/Twitch. In that case, you will have to install the one we are going to use instead of Discord. - We encourage a relaxed atmosphere on Discord, but excessive chatter or banter isn’t allowed during raids. If you fail to do so may result to your removal from the raid.
- Push-to-talk is mandatory in all of our raiding channels. Exceptions for this rule might be the Raid Leaders, the Tanks or any other special roles assigned by the Raid Leader for utility reasons.
- Parking your Discord client in our raiding channel while we’re raiding is not enough. You need to listen at all times during raiding.
Your gear should be at a competitive item level in comparison with the rest of the raid team. You will have to put the same or similar amount of effort with the rest of our raiders. We expect also everyone to optimize around their secondary stats and stay up to date with stat weights and sims to have a proper output during the raids. Vault values should be at maximum possible options, especially during the first 5-10 resets of each tier.
Enchants / Gems
Everyone that’s in the raid with you wants progress/less wipes, make sure your gear is as good as it can be.
We use https://www.raidbots.com/simbot, https://bloodmallet.com/, https://www.wowhead.com/classes, https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/class-guides, etc. to evaluate your gear, if you’re missing talents/top quality enchants/top quality gems, you may be removed from the raidteam without further notice. The level of enchants and gems we’ll be expecting is best available, no matter how low the level of an item is.
We will provide Cauldrons, Flasks, Potions, Food and in addition where necessary we will also provide Vantus Runes. However, we expect you to always use the best available quality in the following amounts:
- Flasks/Phials – a minimum of 9 per raid
- Food – a minimum of 2 stacks per raid
- DPS Potions – a minimum of 2 stacks per raid
- Healing Potions – a minimum of 1 stacks per raid. We also use warlock healthstones, but you must always carry and use the best available quality of potions.
- Weapon Runes – a minimum of 2 per raid
- Augment Runes – a minimum of 1 stack per raid
Mandatory add-ons
- Have a threat meter installed like Details! – https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/details
- Have a boss mods addon installed like DBM or BigWigs – https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/deadly-boss-mods or https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/big-wigs
- Have ORA3 installed – https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/ora3
- Method Raid Tools – https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/method-raid-tools
- Weak Auras 2 – https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/weakauras-2
- RCLootCouncil – https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/rclootcouncil
We highly recommend installing the new Curseforge client or to run the WowUP client to keep your addons up to date. The second one doesn’t have an installation, instead you just run it every time you want to update your addons. If you don’t have the required add-ons fully updated and active during raids may result to your removal from the raid.
Come Prepared
Read up on new encounters and know your specific role in the fights. Always check Stankie Gaming, Mythic Trap, SignsOfKelani and Limit Guild (or similar guides etc.) before the raid starts. If you have any questions or want a better analysis for tactics prior to the raid, there will always be an officer around during the day, so feel free to poke them at any time in game or on teamspeak/discord.
We will analyze all Raiders and Trials for Raiders performances after each raid night based on the following aspects:
- Execution and knowledge of boss tactics
- Intake of avoidable damage
- Use of consumables, augment runes, prepots and second pots, healthstones, etc.
- Use of Offensive and Defensive Cooldowns
- Overall Survivability
- Class specific DPS/HPS/DTPS performance, in comparison with other players of similar ilvl
Repeatedly failing to meet expectations will result in a demotion to the next lower rank. If a player fails to improve after being demoted, we will replace them and demote them to member rank. For trials that means that they fail their trial period.
Some basic and helpful information on how to improve your performance can be found here.
Main: This is the character you sign with to all the raids and the char you and the guild focuses on when assigning loot. Your main has the benefit of using everything that’s in the guild bank and using the guild repair option.
Alt: An alternative character that you play with when we’re not raiding, this could be a farming character or just a character you enjoy playing.
Note that the guild will not help you gear this char or give away the current mats or enchants that the guild bank has to offer. Leveling materials are available but anything current to the raid tier is reserved for mains.
The only exception to this rule is players with exceptional alts/offspecs who have volunteered their services to the guild raids.
Note that the player does not choose which character to bring and that the player has volunteered to do this. This always needs officers’ approval.
This would only happen if there is a lack of a certain class or role (ie. tank/healer/dps) and the raid cannot start or progress without the use of this alt/offspec or if the raid composition is not good for the encounters we’re facing.
An alt character participating in our main run, after the officers’ approval, will have equal share on loot with other main characters participating in the run.
NEW ! – Pugging
- Nerub-ar Palace Normal – Pugging is allowed..
- Nerub-ar Palace Heroic – Pugging is allowed from Friday and until reset for Trial Raider, Raider and Officer ranks. Failure to comply will result to immediate Raid and Loot Ban and you will be demoted back to the Member rank permanently.
- Nerub-ar Palace Mythic – Pugging is not allowed for Trial Raider, Raider and Officer ranks. Failure to comply will result to immediate Raid and Loot Ban and you will be demoted back to the Member rank permanently.
Note: Officer and General ranks may be excluded from this for tactic related purposes.
NEW ! – Loot System & Distribution
For all Main Team Raids, on any difficulty, we use a combination of Loot Sheets and Loot Council to optimize the team’s gearing process.
Loot Sheets:
We use ReadyCheck.io for Loot Sheets. This is mandatory, and your sheet needs to be updated on a weekly basis. Failure to do so will result in you not receiving loot until your Loot Sheet is up to date.
Loot Distribution:
We use RCLootCouncil for loot distribution. The Loot Council considers various factors when making loot decisions, including:
- Loot Sheet submissions.
- Rank Priority: Guild Leader=General=Officer > Raider > Trial Raider.
- Role Priority: DPS > Healers > Tanks.
DPS will generally be prioritized for highly sought-after items like universal trinkets, weapons with special effects, etc. However, exceptions may be made in certain situations:- If a forthcoming or ongoing encounter is particularly harsh on tanks, requiring extra gear for survivability.
- If a forthcoming or ongoing encounter poses a tight healing check, necessitating a boost in the healing team’s performance.
- Overall performance: DPS/HPS/survivability, tactic execution, etc.
- Effort outside the raid environment, such as Mythic+ runs.
- Upgrade value: How significant the gear upgrade is for you.
Occasionally, we may ask you to SIM an item on the spot to help make a final decision. The SIM parameters will be provided to ensure fairness and accuracy. - Attendance.
- Tier pieces: If an item is a tier piece, we may prioritize those completing a 2-set or 4-set, while still considering the other loot rules mentioned above.
Clarifications and Additional Considerations Regarding Loot
Gear Categories:
BiS > AoE/M+ > Main Spec/Catalyst > Minor Upgrade > Off-spec
What is considered a BiS item?
A Best-in-Slot (BiS) item is the best possible upgrade you can get for a specific slot from any content in the game. Your BiS list will likely be a mix of Raid gear, Mythic+ gear, and crafted gear with embellishments.
For example, if your BiS weapon drops from Mythic+, then a weapon from the raid will be considered Main Spec.
Important: When it comes to trinkets, we define BiS as the two best trinkets you can get from any content for single-target fights.
Note: We understand that Blizzard will occasionally make class changes or buff/nerf items (especially trinkets and items with special effects), which may alter your BiS list. If this happens, we will take it into account during loot distribution.
For example, if you’ve already been awarded a BiS trinket and Blizzard nerfs it, leading to a change in your BiS list, your Loot Sheet can be updated. However, if both you and another player are rolling for a new BiS trinket and the other player hasn’t yet received one, they may be prioritized. We recognize this may feel like a punishment, but we aim to be fair to the entire team and make the best of an unfortunate situation. We appreciate everyone’s understanding in such cases.
What is considered an AoE/M+ item?
Frequently, items such as trinkets have niches—some excel in single-target fights, while others perform better in AoE or Cleave scenarios. If a trinket is the best upgrade for AoE or Cleave situations, it belongs in this category.
We also consider the utility of certain trinkets in a Mythic+ environment, as Mythic+ is an important part of the team’s gearing process.
What is considered a Main Spec/Catalyst item?
Any item that is not on your BiS list but still offers a reasonable power boost is considered a Main Spec item.
Additionally, items that you intend to convert using the Catalyst, even though the original item is not BiS, fall into this category. While the final converted item may be BiS, the initial item is not and should be listed as Main Spec/Catalyst.
What is considered a Minor Upgrade?
Any item that provides a small boost in power.
What is considered Off-spec?
Any item you plan to use for your off-spec.
For example, if your main role is DPS and a shield drops that you want to use for occasional tanking, that shield is considered Off-spec.
Important: When it comes to off-spec items, priority is given to those who actively help the team and the guild with their off-specs.
For instance, a Ranged DPS who occasionally heals in the absence of raid healers, or who switches roles to help with Mythic+ guild groups, will have higher priority.
Note: In very exceptional cases, we may allow certain players to roll for items as Main Spec even if they would normally be considered Off-spec. This is decided on a case-by-case basis and applies to players who consistently use their off-spec throughout the tier.
For example, an Evoker who alternates between Augmentation and Devastation depending on what is optimal for progression, or a Warlock or Mage who switches specs to maximize damage based on the encounter profile, may fall into this category.
Important Notes:
- Loot Council is used in both our Main Team Raids and Secondary Raids. Therefore, it is mandatory that all members pass on loot and allow the Loot Distributor to award items based on the rules stated above. If for any reason Loot Council is not viable for a specific run, this will be clearly stated at the start.
- All members must ensure they do not pick up items accidentally. If an item is picked up by mistake, it must be traded to the Loot Distributor immediately.
- You are required to either have the “Auto Loot” option turned off or use a Weak Aura/addon that prevents accidental looting during raids.
- Complaining about loot distribution to an officer, guild leader, or the Loot Distributor is grounds for immediate removal from the guild.
- Trading loot you’ve been awarded to another player, bypassing or attempting to bypass the Loot Council or any other loot distribution system, is also grounds for removal. If you do not wish to keep an item awarded to you, inform the Loot Distributor, return the item, and it will be rerolled to the rest of the raid.
- Players still in their trial period may only receive loot if no other member wants it, until their trial is complete.
- The required attendance for the Raider rank is at least 80% over the last 6 resets. Dropping below 80% for that period (last 6 resets) will result to immediate demote to member or trial (depending on the raider’s choice, they can either try again or raid as a casual member). Only the main runs count towards attendance, while all the secondary runs and alt runs are excluded (Current main runs: Wednesday, Sunday, 20.00 to 23.15 realmtime).
- The required attendance for the Raider rank for Healers and Tanks is at least 90% over the last 6 resets. Dropping below 90% for that period (last 6 resets) will result to immediate demote to member or trial (depending on the raider’s choice, they can either try again or raid as a casual member). Only the main runs count towards attendance, while all the secondary runs and alt runs are excluded (Current main runs: Wednesday, Sunday, 20.00 to 23.15 realmtime).
- The required attendance for the Officer rank is at least 80% over the last 6 resets. Officers who are below the required attendance for their ranks will get 3 warnings to sort their attendance (one every two resets). We will register warnings on our attendance records. If they don’t fix their attendance within 6 resets, we will demote them to members or trials (depending on their preference and future plans).
- We award attendance whether you’re accepted for the night or on backup. In order to qualify for attendance, you will have to be online and accept the invite when invites start. We will invite both accepted players and backups for a headcount before the raid.
- To receive attendance credit, you must attend at least 150 minutes of the raid night if you’re accepted for the raid. Otherwise, you won’t receive attendance credit. Attend means both the confirmed sign-ups and the back-up.
- When you’re on backup for a raid:
- To have your attendance count: Accept the invite at the start.
- If we plan a headcount: Wait for it to finish and any team adjustments before you’re free to go.
Important Notes:
Being on backup doesn’t require you to stay logged in with your character. However, you must be reachable on Discord, Battle.Net, etc. and ready to join the raid within 5 minutes if needed.
This version clarifies the actions you need to take and emphasizes the responsibilities of being on backup.
Failure to do so will result in your attendance to count as a no-show.
No Show
If you repeatedly having no-shows, will result in demoting you back to member or trial rank.
Connection/PC Issues
- Having connection or PC issues during raids repeatedly may result in demoting you back to member or trial rank.
- Quotes like “I don’t see things”, “My pc is acting up and freezes”, “I have low fps”, etc. are not acceptable. Be ready prior to the raid. You are either able to raid or not.
- If you need help with your pc, we have people who might be able to help you. Feel free to ask an officer in such a case.
Secondary Runs
- We use loot council to distribute the loot exactly the same way as for main runs.
- The loot priority rules do apply.
- Attendance will not be recorded.
- We highly appreciate mains who help on secondary runs.
- Don’t expect us to gear up your alts. Other people want to gear up too. Respect that. If you get loot, you got it, if not, there will be more future runs.