Sludgefist Heroic Down!
Sludgefist Heroic Down! Lots of slams happened but he went down like the big smurf he is. Did Nichaa healed or is it my impression he did? If you want to join us and kill bosses with us, then click
The Council of Blood Heroic Down!
The Council of Blood Heroic Down! Well, look who has two left feet after all! Definitely not us! After a vicious dance off, that bloody council is down, pretty sure all that dance practice will come in handy.
Lady Inerva Darkvein Heroic Down!
Lady Inerva Darkvein Heroic Down! All the time I think of a greek butter called "Minerva" for some reason and there's also an underwear company with the same name here. Well, almost went down like butter I'd say. Almost
Sun King’s Salvation Heroic Down!
Sun King's Salvation Heroic Down! So excited about this! Kael'thas Sunstrider is one of my favorite characters. But, did we kill him or we killed him again? If you want to join us and kill bosses with us, then click here
Hungering Destroyer Heroic Down!
Hungering Destroyer Heroic Down! All I have to say is that you are leechers! You managed to kill Snoot several times there guys! If you want to join us and kill bosses with us, then click here and apply! Also here’s
Huntsman Altimor Heroic Down!
Huntsman Altimor Heroic Down! That one was a bit easier than Artificer yea? Now we have two options to progress further! a) get more gear or b) get more skills! If you want to join us and kill bosses with