The Nine Mythic Down!
The Nine Mythic Down! One lil valkyrie went to the market, one lil valkyrie stayed at home aaand poof, all nine are gone. Third kill for the week, well done team! If you want to join us and kill bosses with
Eye of the Jailer Mythic Down!
Eye of the Jailer Mythic Down! Well, we definitely hit the bull's eye with this one! Second kill for the week, we are on a roll peeps! If you want to join us and kill bosses with us, then click here
Sylvanas Windrunner Heroic Down!
Sylvanas Windrunner Heroic Down & AOTC! It only took few wipes on Sylvie for Grimm to retire from life! Poor old fella cannot take it anymore it seems :smile: Congrats on the kill everyone ! If you want to join us
Kel’Thuzad Heroic Down!
Kel'Thuzad Heroic Down! We meddled with his affairs for the last time indeed! Question is, is he really dead now? :smile: Good job on the kill guys! If you want to join us and kill bosses with us, then click here