Dausegne Mythic Down!
Dausegne Mythic Down! Sausage?? Lasagne?? No matter. We ate it all and now we are heading to Xy'mox
Skolex Mythic Down!
Skolex Mythic Down! Anyone up for a game of Whack-a-mole? Between me and you guys that worm really had a bad breath problem 😛 Grats on the kill all! Next dish on the menu lasagne a la Gordian Knot! If you
Vigilant Guardian Mythic Down!
Vigilant Guardian Mythic Down! First step into mythic and with this kill we got Rank 69 on the server. Niiiice 😄 Good job everyone If you want to join us and kill bosses with us, then click here and apply! Also here’s