Gordian Knot

The Bloodbound Horror Mythic Down!

The Bloodbound Horror Mythic Down!

I told you Seban will fix everything!

The Bloodbound Horror tried several times to send us into the Shadow Realm, but with some overtime and effort, we pulled a reverse Uno card, sending him to oblivion instead! Another kill for the team, complete with some juicy loot! Now, let’s dive into the key tips and advice from our progression.


  • Arguably the second boss is much easier than the first one and took us a third of the pulls to bring this down.
  • The fight is highly scripted, with the main variation being the spawn points of adds.
  • Expect a sequence of abilities cycling roughly every 1 minute, which can and must be handled consistently.
  • Grasp from Beyond and Bloodcurdle will damage players close to you even if they are in the “Shadow Phase” so make sure you are mindful of this.
  • Low Boss Health Tip: If the boss is nearly dead and a Gruesome Disgorge is coming, consider sending only the tank down to interrupt the Lost Watcher and keep both groups up to finish off the boss. (Check the end of our video for an example of this.)
  • With the current level of gear, we figured out that is best to use BL right of the bat and to not hold major dps cd’s for the adds (this can vary from group to group)

Raid Composition

  • Tanks: 2
  • Healers: 4 (2 for each group)
  • DPS: 14 (a good mix of single-target and AoE, with a bit more focus on ST unless you’re heavily struggling with adds)

Group Assignments

Split the raid into two groups. Each group should have two players assigned to handle the furthest spawning add. These should be single-target damage dealers, ideally with immunities to deal with the beam if it cuts at awkward angles. In our case we used the following:

  • Group 1: 1 Beast Master Hunter and 1 Retribution Paladin
  • Group 2: 1 Beast Master Hunter and 1 Enhancement Shaman

Key Mechanics and Tips (they will always follow this sequence)

Invoke Terrors:
Check out for where the adds spawn and make sure to call out on which side the furthest away add is.

Bloodcurdle 1:
On the first Bloodcurdle pre-spread to maximize uptime on the boss. There is nothing else going on at this point, so you want to plan ahead and be standing still as much as possible to push damage efficiently.

Crimson Rain: Use a health potion or Healthstone here due to the healing absorb mechanic.

Gruesome Disgorge: (frontal)
If your group is next to descend into the Shadow Realm, be sure to get hit by this ability.

Grasp From Beyond 1:
Kite the tentacles away from the main group.

Bloodcurdle 2:
During this, the boss’s beam is still active. It’s essential to keep moving in the direction your group has agreed upon (clockwise or counterclockwise). This prevents anyone from getting trapped between the beam and accidentally causing a fatal overlap with their circle, which could lead to several players hitting each other and wiping the group.

Grasp From Beyond 2:
Kite the tentacles away from the main group.


Every time the boss completes two sequences of the abilities above, he will cast Goresplatter, so run out to one of the far away platforms. Once you are back in, the next set of sequences will start.

Adds Handling

Managing the adds properly is key to this encounter. Here’s how to prioritize them:

  • Forgotten Harbingers: These are your top priority. They are immovable and cannot be interrupted. They cast continuously Manifest Horror spawning Blood Horror Make sure to focus them down quickly to minimize the number of Blood Horrors.
  • Blood Horror: These are low-priority adds and can be crowd-controlled. Abilities like Ursol’s Vortex, Binding Shot, and AoE stuns are ideal for keeping them at bay. They should be prevented from reaching the boss, but don’t stress if a few slips through—damage from them reaching the boss is manageable. You can finish off any remaining Horrors after other adds are dealt with.
  • Lost Watcher: Let your tank pick this one up and position it near the Harbinger adds so it gets cleaved down with them. It’s crucial to interrupt the Watcher’s Black Bulwark and move him as the group progresses. If left unchecked, it will shield the boss, which can disrupt your kill.

Overall if you have already master this on Heroic Difficulty bringing this down on Mythic should be a very straightforward business!

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